Christian Finel/2019 to 2020

Created Thu, 14 Jan 2021 08:00:00 +0100
445 Words

A long time since I posted new content. What happened since 2018 ? I finished my mission at Qualcomm Life and started the next one at Ostrum Asset Management.

I’m workin on a legacy application. Why did I choose this ? Thing is I’m really fund of DDD (Domain Driven Design).

What is DDD ?

It’s about modeling with code - whatever the paradigm - a point of view to obtain a correct answer.

DDD Book

The 1-1 cardinality between model and point of view (context) reduces the complexity of the code. Less complexity, brings less fear to change and give developper freedom. And that’s the main goal of Domain Driven Design.

This is a pretty simplistic representation with a lot of shortcuts to allow you to grasp the core usage of DDD if you don’t know it.

Back to my life.

To practice it, and really see how it tackles complexity, I needed two things. I required a tough legacy application and a team willing to do clean code.

I had the opportunity to find such application. This way I really can apply the tactical toolset (entities, value objects, etc …) and the strategical toolset of DDD (looking for context, placing boundaries etc …).

I think I’m only at the beginning of the journey. Next move might be use DDD in a cloud environment.

Legacy code killer

Along the DDD, I worked on legacy code all day. I made/make huge progress on refactoring and legacy code recovery. This day to day work kept sharp and full of example for Arolla’s “Work on legacy code” formation.

I use to say “I dare to write test where you never have”. Mixed with the DDD tactical patterns, hopefully the result will last some time after I leave the mission.

Having recover legacy to get clean code, TDD became daily possible. It is a great achivement hence my starting point.

Craft instructor

Arolla gave me my chance to be a TDD and legacy code instructor as well. I’m really happy about that.

I’m looking forward to to more formations. Hopefully 2021 will be more suitable for formations and meetups. I’m also involved in Natixis Craft Academy. I made 2 talks - BDD and DDD.

Last word

I sincerely hope the pandemic will end, or at least reduces its impact on all people.

Everywhere I look I see fear and sadness. This clouds reason in people minds and can be use against them. My project - personnals and pro - drives me through that myst of uncertainty. This really helps me to overcome that particular time. Keep having projects !

Take care of yourself and loved ones.

See you soon !