Christian Finel/Clean Coder Giving Up on Tdd

Created Tue, 05 Apr 2016 09:10:19 +0100

Or why people are giving up on TDD by Uncle Bob Martin.

This post is great source of arguments to explain TDD to your team mate. Also it contains a lot of arguments to convince them to use TDD.

Selected pieces

Design and TDD

– But I thought TDD meant that you didn’t have to design.

Yeah, and: “Love means you never have to say your sorry.” What a bunch of horse hockey! We are programmers! We design! We create structures with high cohesion and low coupling. We manage dependencies. We isolate modules. WE. DESIGN.

Tests are talking to us

Something that is hard to test is badly designed.

– Hmmm. I’m not sure…

Look. Suppose you ask me to write an app to control your grandmother’s pacemaker. I agree, and a week later I hand you a thumb-drive and tell you to load it into her controller. Before you do you ask me: “Did you test it?” And my response is: “No, I chose a design that was hard to test.”